
Update bij Monet in Street Art nummer 11 in Zaandam Zuid

Geplaatst op 30 juni 2024, 19:37 uur
Project volgens planning

Happy Summer my dear neighbours and friends. And what better way to start this lovely neighbourhood project. Monet’s Ooster Kattegat will be adorning our walls in the coming weeks, starting this week. 

I must admit, time really had flown since the campaign ended. But in that time, the school playground really has transformed into an explosion of leaves in bloom. I can already imagine the mural amongst the bloom and the good news is that the artists Poitr and Maciej will be making a start this week, so you will soon be able to see the fruits of your donations. 

If you pass by, you may see me outside  so feel free to say hello.  I do work from home,  so you maybe outside tidying the fence leading to the wall. 

Oh! one more thing! I create in my sparetime so  I am in the process of making a bag each for  2 very generous donors who have ‘bagged’ themselves a gift each from me. A leather crossbody bag & A travel//gym bag.  So thats it for now. Watch this space for updates of the progress. See you soon!

1 reactie

Simone Ronchetti

wo 3 juli 2024 14:49
Happy summer! We will have, with you and this project :-)